Tuesday 9 August 2011

Summer Sleepover Fun

 Last Friday my best friends came for a sleepover. They were here for two nights. The first day they got here we painted canvas' outside. We each Painted something different. When all of us were done our paintings we went to Fuller Lake because we were so hot. At Fuller Lake it was really fun running and jumping off the raft. We started seeing who could go farther under the water when we would do a pencil dive. Then we went home and got on nice warm clothes because suddenly we were not hot any more. Then we sat down and had really yummy pasta and corn on the cob. After we finished eating we watched a family movie and went to bed for a good nights sleep. In the morning we had pancakes for breakfast.  We mostly played with our dolls all day. When my dad came home, we went to the beach again! When we got home for dinner we were not cold  this time. A band was playing in the neighbor hood so it kept us up until 10:00. Sunday was there last day here so we were sad.We started playing little red riding hood, I was a Wolf. then their parents came at around 3:00 and they stayed for dinner. After dinner they left and I went to bed. I hope they come again soon!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Dawson and Me

When my family and I go on walks we always remember to take our dog "Dawson" along. Even though he is so old he still enjoys it very much! Dawson is actually 15 years old in human years. But in dog years he is 105 years old. When ever we walk past someone and stop to talk to them for a minute they always think that he is a puppy. I think maybe its because he is so energetic and always smiling. Usually American Eskimo's live between 12-14 years. We knew our dog was getting old when he couldn't jump up on the furniture anymore. My dog takes a supplement called "Recovery Sa" and it keeps him alive, happy and energetic. I make sure he takes it everyday so he can be with us for a long time.

Pizza Night

Now that I'm nine I can help out in the kitchen a lot. One of the things I like to make is pizza. On weekends we have "Pizza Night". My mom buys the crust from the store so it's not quite home made but it's still better than frozen. My favorite kind of pizza is extreme vegetarian (tomatoes, spinach, olives, purple onion, green pepper and of course cheese!).

Monday 30 May 2011

Some bunny loves me

In April I did a blog post about a baby bunny that we found in our backyard while gardening. I thought it was too small to survive on it's own so I asked my daddy if I could keep it. My mom thought it would be happiest in the wild. We waited a couple days until we spotted the mommy bunny and we set the precious bunny free. It was so hard saying goodbye. I thought I would probably never see Coco bunny again. I picked some nice fresh dandilions and placed them near where we released her. I sat patiently and waited, hoping to see her. I went back in the house and when I returned the dandilion stems were gone! We see Coco bunny everyday. She seems to love frollicking in our yard. I`m so happy she is free and happy.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Bonfire fun

My best friend Mary and I were roasting marshmallows on a fire my daddy made for us. Then a big mistake happened, my dog got let out. Mary and I were running around my yard while my dog was chasing after us. I knew he wanted our marshmallows but I still did not give them to him because that's too much sugar for him. So Mary kept running the opposite way he did while I went to go get my daddy. My daddy had to come and put him inside. Then Mary and I ate our marshmallows  with no barking dogs chasing after us. We kept glancing over at the  glass door and that's where my dog sat staring at our marshmallows and licking his lips for the rest of the day.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Cooking with Mommy

I helped my mom make Easter dinner today. It's a special day so we are having "Tofurkey". I love to cook for my family. You'll notice in the picture that I'm wearing an apron. The Easter Bunny left for me. I found it outside hanging on a branch from our Maple tree. 

Friday 22 April 2011

Cute Litte Bunny

I am so happy right now because today we were doing some gardening and we found a baby bunny! We put him in a little basket and took his picture. I want to keep him for a pet but my brother wants to let him go even though he's very tame. My heart says keep him so he would be more safe. She is very playful and I hope I get to keep her.