Tuesday 9 August 2011

Summer Sleepover Fun

 Last Friday my best friends came for a sleepover. They were here for two nights. The first day they got here we painted canvas' outside. We each Painted something different. When all of us were done our paintings we went to Fuller Lake because we were so hot. At Fuller Lake it was really fun running and jumping off the raft. We started seeing who could go farther under the water when we would do a pencil dive. Then we went home and got on nice warm clothes because suddenly we were not hot any more. Then we sat down and had really yummy pasta and corn on the cob. After we finished eating we watched a family movie and went to bed for a good nights sleep. In the morning we had pancakes for breakfast.  We mostly played with our dolls all day. When my dad came home, we went to the beach again! When we got home for dinner we were not cold  this time. A band was playing in the neighbor hood so it kept us up until 10:00. Sunday was there last day here so we were sad.We started playing little red riding hood, I was a Wolf. then their parents came at around 3:00 and they stayed for dinner. After dinner they left and I went to bed. I hope they come again soon!